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Showing posts from February 12, 2006

A Little Piece of Heaven By Sama Mir

A smooth, light brown guitar in its case Waiting to be played Certificates hanging on the wall Honoring hard work at Taekwon-Do A velvety, purple stuffed dog A special reminder of my 9th birthday Yarn and knitting needles In an unfinished light blue scarf A gameboy in its dock Ready to charge for the night Jeans and t-shirts hung neatly on dark black hangers Waiting to be worn A hutch filled with old, worn-out books Categorized alphabetically by author Light pink walls which I despise Ready to be painted blue A bright white carpet with a speck of brown paint Walked over by bare feet, so many times Folders with completed homework Proudly standing in their place A nightstand covered by a gigantic boom box Listened to, so many times Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl Covered with laughter from many kids Hanging trees beside the window Home for many robins, hued red and black My room is the place to be.